Are you feeling the effects of aging?
We can help.
Here is an overall look at the areas of aging we can slow down and even reverse.
Bad posture
The ability to move freely through your day with optimal mobility is affected by the condition of your posture. If you develop a flexibility and strength imbalance in any of the muscles supporting your posture, you will see signs of your shoulders rounding, your neck protruding, or your feet turning out. We can correct your posture.
Achy, stiff joints
Aging also brings on achy and stiff joints which can really make you feel old. The good news is, we can stop, and even reverse the effects of stiff and achy joints. As we age, the body will lose specific lubrications around the joints, but with a very good mobility program we can help joints and muscles stay pliable and maintain the elasticity in them years longer.
Loss of muscle tone
One of the first signs of aging is loss of muscle. This is a hormonal change that can be slowed down, totally stopped and even reversed. Also, if you are inactive, muscle loss is drastically increased. If you are on a weight training program, however, it will increase the amount of muscle that you have and make you feel stronger as if you were years younger.
Weight gain, low energy
If you improve your nutritional intake and give your body the proper nutrients, rest, and water it needs,the result will be a boost of energy, enduring muscle tone, weight loss, more mobility, better skin, less sickness, clearer thinking, and a better sex drive, a happier you.
We have dedicated an entire segment of our training to slowing down the effects of aging.